Bed Bug Awareness
Bed Bug Awareness
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Course Description:
This course focuses on preventive measures and the proper treatment of a bed bug infestation as a part of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Plan. You’ll understand what to look for and the problem that bed bugs can cause. An important course for all property managers and housing staff. Duration: 40 Minutes.
Philip G. Koehler, PhD and Susan McKnight
Property managers, maintenance supervisors and maintenance personnel
Learning Objectives:
- Recognize a bed bug and where they live
- Identify areas where bed bugs live and what to look for
- Learn preventive measures and treatment for an infestation
- Understand the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach as per HUD
- Understand the financial and emotional impact of a bed bug infestation
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This course Copyright 2024 HAI Group.
- IACET CEU (CEUs): 0.1